The tiny PCL/PJL Editor...Please send your comments at
All the latest news concerning Rimka, the tiny PCL/PJL editor:
- 9th of July 2001 : Due to a nasty aspect under ...Internet Explorer... PNG have been dropped in favor of JPG banners. Sad but true :((
- 8th of July 2001 : New PNG banners on in this page (without transparency). It is now "browsable" from Opera, Konqueror and Mozilla. I've still plenty of problem with Netscape 4.7x....
- 8th of July 2001 : Rimka 0.0.3 is out and fairly functionnal. You can dowload it from Rimka at sourceforge
- 5th of July 2001 : New "fancy" graphics on this Web page. Unfortunately the png pictures look crap on Konqueror and the result is worst on Opera. I've to check why...
- 3th of July 2001 : Rimka 0.0.2 is out. .
Rimka helps you to quickly write PCL/PJL "snippets". With those snippets you can change easily the properties of PCL/PJL printers. You can -for example- change the tray sequence on a Xerox Docuprint N4025 with a 3 lines snippet. Because Rimka is written in Python and uses the wxPython GUI library, Rimka is a real cross-platform application, developped under Linux and Windows NT. It will integrate syntax higlighting and printer database features. That's for the future ! Now Rimka is limited but fairly fonctionnal ;)
Rimka is using wxPython and wxWindows. After a quick double checking both seem to comply to GPL. Please go here for more details about open source licencing and the GPL General Publique Licence specifically. I am not a GPL zealot but I deeply think that the debate around licence, patents and intellectual property is a good thing in itself. I've to check what copyright HP has put on PCL and PJL.
Have a glance at the "beast". The first screenshot shows Rimka with its neat highlighting features. Thoses features have been dropped temporarily.They were slowing down Rimka. But I'm working hard on a PCL/PJL lexer , it might help.
The following links have been proven vital and still are :
- PyFD project. PyFD is a "Font Downloader" written in Python. It allows you to send loads of fonts on a remote networked printer. PyFD was my first project on SourceForge. It is still at its alpha stage.
- The Python Home Site.Where everything has begun :)
- wxPython Home Site. WxPython is a "wrapping library" around the cross-platform wxwindows library. The latest realease of wxPython : wxpython 2.3
- IBM Developperworks. Plenty of stuff here. Especially xml_picke and xml_objectify modules from David Mertz.